Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Tests carried out in standard conditions and

For the antibiotic to be effective MIC or MBC should be able >> << to be achieved at the site of infection. Pharmacological absorption and distribution

antibiotic will affect the dose, route and frequency

administration of antibiotics in order to achieve an effective dose online

infection. In clinical laboratories often test for sensitivity to antibiotics is a test

disk diffusion (Fig. 1). In this test bacterial isolate

grafted uniformly on the surface of agar plates. The filter disc impregnated >> << standard number of antibiotics applied to the surface >> << plates and antibiotic may spread to neighboring Wednesday .. As a result, the gradient of antibiotic surrounding disk. After incubation

, bacterial lawn appears on the disc. Zone inhibition

growth of bacteria may be present around the antibiotic disc. Size of Area >> << inhibition depends on the rate of diffusion of the antibiotic, >> << degree of sensitivity of microorganisms and bacteria growth. Zone

Brake disc diffusion test in the back associated with MIC. Tests carried out in standard conditions and the standard

braking zones were established for each antibiotic. If the area

, braking equals or exceeds the standard, the body

is sensitive to antibiotics. If the inhibition zone less than the standard

, the body is stable. Figure 1 also

shows how to test disk diffusion occurs and Figure 2 illustrates some of the standard

braking zone for several antibiotics. E. Combination therapy

To take advantage of antibiotic synergism >>. Antibiotic synergism << arises under the influence of combinations of antibiotics

more than the sum of effects >> << some antibiotics. Antibiotic antagonism occurs when one

antibiotics, usually with the least effect, prevents >> << Effects of other antibiotics. F. Antibiotics and chemotherapeutic agents

term antibiotic strictly refers to substances that have a biological origin, whereas the term chemotherapeutic agent refers >> << to synthetic chemical. The difference between these terms

was blurred, as many of our new antibiotics

. actually chemically modified biological products or chemically synthesized

biological products. General term for << >> antibiotics or chemotherapy drugs are antimicrobial or strattera 10mg antimicrobial agents << >> However, the term antibiotic is often used to refer to all types >> << antimicrobial agents. . << >>

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